LG has launched the Optimus G Pro (E988), the company’s flagship smartphone in India. The phone was expected to launch in India last month. It packs a 5.5-inch (1920×1080 pixels) Full HD IPS curved glass display, powered by a 1.7 GHz quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 600 processor with 400 MHz Adreno 320 GPU and runs on Android 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean) with Optimus 3.0 UI. It has a 13MP rear camera with LED Flash, 2.1 MP front-facing camera and packs a 3140 mAh battery. It has lot of camera features including Dual Recording, Virtual Reality (VR) Panorama Smart Video, Smart Camera, Pause and Resume Recording and lots more. Continue reading “LG Optimus G Pro launched in India for Rs. 42500”