LG has officially launched the LG Optimus L3 II Dual (E435) and the Optimus L7 II Dual (P715), dual SIM Android smartphones in India. Both these were priced on the official LG India website last weeks, and went on sale online few days back. LG unveiled theOptimus L Series II devices at the MWC 2013 in February. These phones use the LG L Style design that has Seamless Layout with minimalistic contours and graceful edges, Laser Cut Contour for elite craftsmanship with elite laser-etched details and Radiant Rear Design with pebble-like accents. Both these run on Android 4.1.2 (Jelly Bean) and have dual SIM support with a dedicated SIM switch button. Continue reading “LG Optimus L3 II Dual and Optimus L7 II Dual officially launched in India”