LG recently launched the much awaited Optimus 2X and Optimus Black in India. And now, the company is expected to launch its first tablet device, the LG Optimus Pad in India. This device was announced at the Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2011 in Barcelona and it runs on the Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) Operating System. LG Optimus Pad is the first tablet to feature the 3D display capabilities. This device is expected to launch during June in India. Continue reading “LG Optimus Pad Hitting India In June”
LG Optimus Pad Hitting India In June
LG is expected to launch its first tablet device, the LG Optimus Pad in India. LG Optimus Pad is the first tablet to feature the 3D display capabilities. This device is expected to launch during June in India.