LG Smartphone Idea Camp contest is over and the winners got away with the prize-worth Rs. 1,000,000 along with LG Smart phones as an additional prize of Rs. 500,000. LG launched the Smartphone Idea Camp contest on August 1st which received registrations from 3700 contestants and ended on 15th September, 2012. The top 40 ideas were selected by the jury members and moved to round 2. Continue reading “LG India announces winners of Smartphone Idea Camp contest”
Tag: LG Smartphone Idea Camp
LG India launches Smartphone Idea Camp contest
LG has launched Smartphone Idea Camp, an innovative online contest that would let customers stand a chance to win prices worth Rs. 15 Lakhs. Consumers need to submit unique app, feature, concept, service, design, UI ideas that they desire in their phones. If the idea gets selected, best ideas would get incorporated in LG’s future smartphone line-up and also win cash prize of Rs. 15, 00,000. Continue reading “LG India launches Smartphone Idea Camp contest”