Along with the G8 ThinQ, LG also introduced the V50 ThinQ 5G, the company’s first 5G smartphone at the MWC. It is powered by Snapdragon 855 with Snapdragon X50 5G Modem and has a new Vapor Chamber heat-dissipation system that efficiently keeps the internal temperatures low. It has a 6.4-inch QHD+ OLED screen, has triple rear cameras with 16MP 107-degree super wide-angle, 12MP standard and 12MP telephoto with 2x optical zoom. It has an 8-megapixel front camera and replaces the 3D ToF sensor on the G8 with a 5-megapixel wide-angle lens. Continue reading “LG V50 ThinQ 5G with 6.4-inch Quad HD+ OLED display, Snapdragon 855, triple rear cameras, dual screen accessory announced”