LG has announced the Optimus Vu II, successor of the Optimus Vu back in September last year. Now the specifications of the third Vu phone, the Vu 3 has surfaced. The Vu 3 would have a IPS display with 4:3 Aspect Ratio similar to first two phones in the series, but the display is rumored to be a bit larger at 5.2-inches with a resolution of 1280 by 960, better than the 1024 by 768 pixels. The Vu 3 is rumored to pack a Snapdragon 800 processor and a 13-megapixel rear camera similar to the LG G2, the latest flagship that was unveiled recently. Continue reading “LG Vu 3 specs surface, 5.2-inch display and Snapdragon 800 processor”