LG just launched WING, the company’s unique dual-screen smartphone in India as it had promised. It packs a 6.8-inch P-OLED FullVision main screen and a 3.9 inch FHD+ hidden Second Screen that lets you use the phone in Swivel Mode in which the entire front of the phone rotates clockwise 90 degrees allowing users to interact with the Second Screen while content plays uninterrupted on the Main Screen. Continue reading “LG WING with 6.8-inch FHD+ OLED display, 3.9-inch OLED Swivel Screen, Snapdragon 765G 5G launched in India for Rs. 69990”
Tag: LG WING price
LG WING roll out begins early October starting from Korea, price revealed
LG unveiled its WING smartphone with a unique swivel screen last week. Today the company already confirmed that it will go on sale starting from South Korea starting from October followed by key markets in North America and Europe. Today it has confirmed that it will be available from early October in South Korea priced at 1,098,900 won (US$ 943 / Rs. 69,385 approx.). As a part of launch offer in October, it will offer 70% discount on the replacement cost when the main screen or the second screen is damaged within two years. Continue reading “LG WING roll out begins early October starting from Korea, price revealed”