HONOR, the smartphone brand separated from HUAWEI in 2021, is set to make a comeback in India after a year. HONOR has filed a new trademark called “Honor for Knights” in India. Continue reading “HONOR for Knights trademark filed in India with Madhav Sheth as proprietor”
Tag: Madhav Sheth
Madhav Sheth leaves realme after 5 years
Madhav Sheth, CEO, realme India, VP, realme, and President, realme International Business Group, has announced his resignation from the company. This follows his 5-year successful stint with the company. He used his Twitter handle to announce his resignation from realme. Continue reading “Madhav Sheth leaves realme after 5 years”
realme’s Madhav Sheth to join HONOR India as CEO: Report
Madhav Sheth, the current VP for Business and Corporate Strategy (Global) at realme, is set to join HONOR India to revive the brand in the country, according to a report by IANS. Additionally, several director-level executives from realme’s online and offline verticals are expected to join Sheth at HONOR India. Continue reading “realme’s Madhav Sheth to join HONOR India as CEO: Report”
realme India CEO Madhav Sheth to lead Europe region
realme today announced that Madhav Sheth, Vice President realme and CEO, realme India will be the CEO of Europe region, in addition to India. He will lead the product, marketing and sales functions in the Europe market, starting with the countries of Spain, France, Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic. Continue reading “realme India CEO Madhav Sheth to lead Europe region”