MediaTek introduced its Helio X and P series SoCs for high-end smartphones back in March and officially unveiled its Helio X20 deca (10) core SoC in May. Now details about the company’s upcoming Helio X30 SoC has surfaced in China (Via). We already know that the Helio X30 is based on 20nm process and has 2 x Cortex-A72 CPUs at 2.5GHz, 4 x Cortex-A53 CPUs at 2.0GHz and 4 x Cortex-A53 CPUs at 1.4GHz, but the Helio X30 will be based on 16nm FinFET process, and use 4 x Cortex-A72 CPUs at 2.5GHz , 2 x Cortex-A72 CPUs at 2GHz, 2 x Cortex-A53 CPUs at 1.0GHz and 2 x Cortex-A53 CPUs at 1.5GHz. Continue reading “MediaTek Helio X30 16nm 10-core SoC, Helio X22 details surface”