Samsung Galaxy Mega 2 vs Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 Photo Gallery

Samsung Galaxy Mega 2 vs Galaxy Mega 6.3-04

Samsung announced the Galaxy Mega 2, its latest Galaxy Mega series smartphone in September. The 6-inch phablet then went on sale in India last month for Rs 20,900. We have already seen the unboxing, benchmarks and photo gallery of the phone. Now, lets compare the device with last year’s Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 which we have already reviewed. Continue reading “Samsung Galaxy Mega 2 vs Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 Photo Gallery”

Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 vs Lenovo K900

Samsung is undoubtedly one of the front runners of the Android race while Lenovo are catching up with them fast. Samsung has been looking to expand its Galaxy portfolio and the Galaxy Mega 6.3 is a result of company’s interest in the 6inch+ category while the Lenovo K900 is Lenovo’s current flagship powered by an Intel processor.


Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 was launched at the end of May in Indian while the Lenovo K900 has been available since June although it had been announced way back in January earlier this year. Despite being different devices of different capabilities, they are priced almost similarly and lets check out which of the two performs better.

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Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3 Review


Ever since the original Galaxy Note, Samsung has continuously shocked us with screen sizes on their smartphones. Predictably, that has continued with the Galaxy Mega 5.8 and its bigger brother, the Mega 6.3 with the world’s biggest screen, on a smartphone that is. We initially thought it was ridiculous that Huawei launched a 6.1 inch device at CES, but Samsung has one-upped them, actually 0.2-upped them with a more monstrous 6.3 inch screen. After a good amount of ridicule and plenty of surprises, we have finally tested this Smartphone-Tablet hybrid in whole and here are our complete thoughts on the Samsung Galaxy Mega 6.3. Retailing at Rs 32,990, is this the large screen phablet you are waiting for? Lets find out.

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