Meizu just announced the Meizu 16s, the company’s latest flagship smartphone at an event in China, as it had promised. It has a 6.2-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED display with 4.2mm ultra narrow bottom bezel and 91.53% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by Snapdragon 855 with up to 8GB of RAM, Hyper Gaming, runs Flyme OS 7 based Android Pie with One Mind 3.0 AI, has a 48-megapixel rear camera with Sony IMX586 sensor, OIS, night mode along with a 20-megapixel secondary telephoto lens with Sony IMX350 sensor. It also has a 20-megapixel camera on the front for 0.2-second face unlock, AI beauty features. Continue reading “Meizu 16s with 6.2-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, Snapdragon 855, in-display fingerprint sensor announced”