Meizu just announced 16T, the company’s latest smartphone in China, as it had promised. It has a 6.5-inch Full HD+ Super AMOLED display from Samsung, TÜV eye protection certification, is powered by Snapdragon 855 with up to 8GB of RAM, runs Flyme OS with Android Pie on top, has a 12-megapixel rear camera along with a secondary 8-megapixel 118° ultra-wide lens that is also capable of shooting 2.5cm macro and a 5-megapixel depth sensor for portrait shots. It also has a 16-megapixel camera on the front for 0.2 second face unlock. Continue reading “Meizu 16T with 6.5-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, Snapdragon 855, up to 8GB RAM, triple rear cameras announced”
Tag: Meizu 16T
Meizu 16T with 6.5-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, Snapdragon 855, 8GB RAM, triple rear cameras to be announced on October 23
After rumors, Meizu has announced that it will introduce Meizu 16T, the company’s top-end smartphone in China on October 23rd. The phone got certified by TENAA with the model number M928Q, which revealed 6.5-inch FHD+ AMOLED screen, Snapdragon 855 with up to 8GB RAM, triple rear cameras, in-display fingerprint scanner and a 4500mAh battery. Continue reading “Meizu 16T with 6.5-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, Snapdragon 855, 8GB RAM, triple rear cameras to be announced on October 23”