Meizu just announced E3, the company’s latest smartphone in the ‘E Series’ in China, as it had promised. It has a 5.99-inch Full HD+ 18:9 display, is powered by Snapdragon 636 with 6GB RAM, but it still runs Android 7.1 (Nougat) with Flyme OS 6.3 on top. It has a 12-megapixel rear camera with dual-tone LED flash, Dual PD full-pixel focus for 0.026s fast focus along with a 20-megapixel secondary camera, to capture depth information for portrait shots and 2.5x loss-less zoom. Both have Sony sensors and are protected by sapphire glass. Continue reading “Meizu E3 with 5.99-inch FHD+ display, Snapdragon 636, 6GB RAM, 12MP + 20MP dual rear cameras announced”