Chinese smartphone maker Meizu entered India with the launch of m1 note smartphone back in May. It launched the m2 note, its successor at a competitive price tag of Rs. 9999 in the country earlier this month. Today the Chinese company headquartered in Zhuhai, China has announced an event for its official ‘Brand Launch’ in India on August 26th. The invite doesn’t hint at anything, but the company is expected to launch the MX5 and even its latest m2 smartphone at the event next week. Continue reading “Meizu schedules an event in India on August 26, MX5 expected”
Tag: Meizu India launch
Meizu to enter Indian smartphone market soon
Meizu, one of the popular Chinese smartphone makers has announced that it is all set to enter the Indian market. On Twitter the company said Greetings to all the #Meizu fans in India. We are coming! It has also linked its Facebook page in the tweet. The company doesn’t have a dedicated webpage for India yet. Continue reading “Meizu to enter Indian smartphone market soon”