Xiaomi just launched the Mi 11X and 11X Pro smartphones in India along with the Mi 11 Ultra as it had announced. These pack a 6.67-inch E4 AMOLED screen with MEMC, 120Hz refresh rate and 360Hz touch sampling rate, DCI-P3 color gamut, HDR10+, 8,192 levels of dimming and 2.76mm ultra-small punch-hole that houses a 20MP camera. The Mi 11X is powered by Snapdragon 870 SoC and the 11X Pro is powered by Snapdragon 888 5nm SoC, both supporting up to 8GB of RAM. Continue reading “Xiaomi Mi 11X and Mi 11X Pro with 6.67-inch FHD+ 120Hz AMOLED display launched in India starting at Rs. 29999”
Tag: Mi 11X
Mi 11X and 11X Pro launching in India on April 23 alongside Mi 11 Ultra
Xiaomi already confirmed that it will launch the Mi 11 Ultra smartphone in India on April 23. Today it has confirmed that it will launch new ‘X’ Flagship series in India alongside and added that it will offer Xtreme performance, feature Xceptional Display and Xquisite design. It also added that the phone has been customized for India. Continue reading “Mi 11X and 11X Pro launching in India on April 23 alongside Mi 11 Ultra”