Xiaomi has finally launched Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 (Mi AirDots Pro 2) in India. Mi AirDots Pro 2, the successor to premium true wireless earphones Mi AirDots Pro, were first introduced in China back in September. Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 (Mi AirDots Pro 2) offers up to 14 hours of music playback, packs a 14.2 mm dynamic driver unit and supports environment noise cancellation, but are these worth a consideration?
Read on our Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 (Mi AirDots Pro 2) review to find out, for the rest of the article we will refer to it as Mi AirDots Pro 2. For the review, we used a unit bought from ShareSave which runs a different firmware as compared to India units. Continue reading “Mi True Wireless Earphones 2 (Mi AirDots Pro 2) Review: A weird but worthy successor!”