Xiaomi just launched the most expected Mi Smart Band 4 in India, as it had promised. It has a 0.95-inch AMOLED color touch screen display, which is 39.9% bigger than the predecessor so that it can display more characters and is protected by 2.5D scratch-resistant glass. It has 77 different watch faces. The band is also 5ATM water resistant so that you can take it for swimming under 50 meters. Continue reading “Xiaomi Mi Smart Band 4 with 0.95-inch AMOLED color display, 50-meter water resistance launched in India for Rs. 2299”
Tag: Mi Band 4
Xiaomi Mi Band 4 with color screen, bigger battery to be announced on June 11 [Update: Official images]
Update: June 7, 2019 — Xiaomi’s CEO Lei Jun has posted more images of the Mi Band 4 ahead of launch tomorrow.