Xiaomi introduced the Mi Note 10 Lite smartphone with the codenamed ‘toco’ in Europe back in April. Now the smartphone is rumoured to be introduced in India as Mi 10i since the phone has surfaced with the code name ‘tocoin’ and reveals a similar 64MP quad camera arrangement. Continue reading “Xiaomi could launch Mi 10i with 6.47-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, Snapdragon 730G 5260mAh battery in India soon”
Tag: Mi Note 10 Lite
Mi Note 10 Lite with 6.47-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, quad rear cameras to be announced on April 30 alongside Redmi Note 9
Xiaomi recently confirmed that it will introduce Redmi Note 9 smartphone in a global event online on April 30. Today the company has confirmed that it will also introduce Mi Note 10 Lite alongside. This was certified by the FCC with the model number M2002F4LG few months back and the phone has also been certified by BIS in India with the model number M2002F4LI, so we can expect it to launch in India as well. Continue reading “Mi Note 10 Lite with 6.47-inch FHD+ AMOLED display, quad rear cameras to be announced on April 30 alongside Redmi Note 9”
Xiaomi phone with Snapdragon 730G, 64MP penta rear cameras passes through FCC, could be Mi Note 10 Lite [Update: BIS certification]
The phone with model number M2002F4LI has received BIS certification recently hinting at India launch.