Xiaomi has introduced its new Mi Notebook Pro X 15 laptop in China, as it had promised. It has a 15.6-inch 3.5k E4 OLED screen with support for 60Hz refresh-rate, 4.03mm narrow frame and 91% screen-to-body ratio, is powered by 11th Generation Intel Core i7 and i5 Tiger Lake processors withRTX 3050 Ti GPU. It features a metal body with High-end CNC manufacturing process to withstand wear and tear, has a fingerprint sensor built into the power button, in-built camera, full-sized keyboard and a large touchpad. Continue reading “Mi Notebook Pro X with 15.6-inch 3.5k OLED screen, up to i7-11370H CPU, up to 32GB RAM, NVIDIA RTX 3050 Ti GPU announced”
Tag: Mi Notebook Pro X
Mi Notebook Pro X with Intel 11th Gen H35 series processor, RTX 3050Ti GPU to be announced on June 30
Last month Xiaomi confirmed that there will introduce Mi Notebook Pro X with RTX 3050Ti GPU, and Intel 11th Gen Tiger Lake H35 series processor in June. After several weeks, today it has confirmed that it will be introduced on June 30th. The company also posted a teaser video that shows the Xiaomi logo on the outside and highlights its premium design, lightweight body, fingerprint scanner, Type-C connector and a screen with extremely narrow bezels. Continue reading “Mi Notebook Pro X with Intel 11th Gen H35 series processor, RTX 3050Ti GPU to be announced on June 30”