Xiaomi just launched the Mi QLED TV, the company’s latest smart TV in India, as it had promised. The 4K TV has Dolby Vision, HDR 10+ and Hybrid Log-Gamma (HLG) support and uses quantum dot technology equipped with Quantum Dot nanocrystals to emit pure colours and enhance image vibrancy and the Reality Flow tech offering blur-free rendering of high-speed action for sportscasts, games and much more with the dedicated MEMC chip. Continue reading “Xiaomi launches Mi QLED TV 4K with 55-inch bezel-less horizon display, MEMC, Android TV 10 in India for Rs. 54999”
Xiaomi to launch Mi QLED TV 4K with Dolby vision, HDMI 2.1 in India on December 16
After teasers, Xiaomi today confirmed the launch of Mi QLED TV 4K in India on December 16th and will be sold on Flipkart in addition to Mi.com and Mi stores. The company introduced several QLED TV models in the Mi TV 5 Pro series in China back in November last year. In India it is planning to launch 55-inch QLED TV under ‘Make in India’ initiative. Continue reading “Xiaomi to launch Mi QLED TV 4K with Dolby vision, HDMI 2.1 in India on December 16”