Micromax just launched Canvas Infinity Pro, successor of Canvas Infinity that was launched back in August. It has a 5.7-inch HD+ 2.5D curved glass screen with 18:9 aspect ratio and minimal bezels and runs on Android Nougat, but this is powered by an Octa-Core Snapdragon 430 Mobile Platform, instead of Snapdragon 425 and also comes with a 20-megapixel front-facing camera along with a secondary 8-megapixel camera offering Portrait Mode that blur the background in selfie images. Continue reading “Micromax Canvas Infinity Pro with 5.7-inch 18:9 display, 20MP + 8MP dual front cameras launched for Rs. 13999”
Tag: Micromax Canvas Infinity Pro
Micromax Canvas Infinity Pro with 5.7-inch full-screen display, dual front cameras launching this November
Micromax is all set to launch Canvas Infinity Pro smartphone, an improved version of the Canvas Infinity that was launched in August. We got hold of the image of the box of the phone. This shows 5.7-inch HD+ 2.5D curved glass screen with 18:9 aspect ratio and minimal bezels, similar to the Canvas Infinity. The phone will come with dual front-facing cameras, compared to a single 16-megapixel front camera on the predecessor, which will be the main highlight of the smartphone. Continue reading “Micromax Canvas Infinity Pro with 5.7-inch full-screen display, dual front cameras launching this November”