Micromax has finally launched the Micromax Canvas Mad A94, the company’s latest smartphone in the Canvas series. it has built-in MAd app that pays lets you earn points to watch Ads, which can be converted into rupees that would be credited to users’ postpaid or prepaid account. The phone packs a 4.5-inch (480 x 854 pixels) IPS display, powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core Broadcom BCM23550 processor and runs on Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean). It has a 5-megapixel auto focus rear camera with LED flash and a 5-megapixel auto focus front-facing camera. Continue reading “Micromax Canvas Mad A94 officially launched for Rs. 8490, pays you to watch Ads”
Tag: Micromax Canvas Mad A94 price
Micromax Canvas Mad A94 with 4.5-inch display goes on sale for Rs. 8490
Yesterday we reported about the Micromax Canvas Mad A94 launching this week. The phone is now available from retailers, as reported by Mahesh Telecom. The phone has a 4.5-inch IPS display, powered by a 1.2 GHz quad-core processor and runs on Android 4.2 (Jelly Bean). As the phone is called Canvas MAd, you’ll be paid for watching video ads on the phone. The tag line reads “Get proud to be mad about ads”. Continue reading “Micromax Canvas Mad A94 with 4.5-inch display goes on sale for Rs. 8490”
Micromax Canvas Mad A94 to be priced at Rs. 8100, coming this week
Micromax started teasing about their upcoming smartphone related to Ads last month. Earlier rumors revealed that the phone would be called Micromax Canvas Mad A94. Now Manish Khatri from Mahesh Telecom reports that the phone would be priced at Rs. 8,100. Continue reading “Micromax Canvas Mad A94 to be priced at Rs. 8100, coming this week”