Micromax launched the Canvas Nitro A310, the company’s latest high-end Canvas smartphone earlier this week. We brought the unboxing and the photo gallery of the Canvas Nitro recently, here we have the benchmarks. It is powered by a 1.66 GHz Octa-Core MediaTek MT6592 processor which has 8 ARM Cortex-A7 CPUs and is based on 28nm HPM. It has a Mali 450-MP4 GPU, comes with a 5-inch HD display and runs on Android 4.4 (KitKat). We already have quite a few smartphones in India powered by the same Octa-Core chip. Check out the synthetic benchmark scores below. Continue reading “Micromax Canvas Nitro A310 Benchmarks”
Tag: Micromax Canvas Nitro A310
Micromax Canvas Nitro A310 Hands On and Photo Gallery
Today Micromax launched the Canvas Nitro A310, the company’s latest top-end smartphone in the Canvas series priced at Rs. 12,990. We got to check out the smartphone, and here are is the hardware walkthrough and the first impressions of the device.
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Micromax Canvas Nitro A310 with 5-inch HD display, Octa-Core SoC launched for Rs. 12990
Micromax has launched the Canvas Nitro A310, the company’s latest smartphone in the Canvas series. It has a 5-inch (1280 x 720 pixels) IPS display, powered by a 1.7 GHz octa-core MediaTek processor and runs on Android 4.4 (KitKat). It features a 13-megapixel auto focus rear camera with LED Flash and a 5-megapixel front-facing camera. It has new camera features such as option to capture images, including selfies by pressing the volume rocker, a Camera Widget to access several camera features easily from the homescreen, Stable Shot, Refocus and more. Continue reading “Micromax Canvas Nitro A310 with 5-inch HD display, Octa-Core SoC launched for Rs. 12990”