Micromax launched the Canvas Xpress 4G Q413, its latest budget 4G smartphone in the Canvas Xpress series few hours back, priced at Rs. 6,599, exclusively on Flipkart. We got to checkout the smartphone at the launch event, here is the hardware walk through of the phone in the form of photo gallery.
Tag: Micromax Canvas Xpress 4G
Micromax Canvas Xpress 4G with 5-inch HD display, 2GB RAM launched for Rs. 6599
Micromax just launched Canvas Xpress 4G Q413, the company’s latest budget 4G smartphone in the Canvas Xpress series. It packs a 5-inch HD screen, is powered by a quad-core 64-bit MediaTek MT6735P processor, runs on Android 5.1 (Lollipop) OS, comes with a 8-megapixel rear camera and a 2-megapixel front-facing camera. Micromax has partnered with Flipkart to sell the smartphone. At the launch event Micromax said that all the future Xpress series phones will be exclusive to Flipkart. Continue reading “Micromax Canvas Xpress 4G with 5-inch HD display, 2GB RAM launched for Rs. 6599”