Micromax has officially launched the Funbook Pro that went on sale last month. It has 10.1-inch (1024 x 600 pixels) display and is powered by 1.2 GHz Cortex A8 processor. It has 0.3MP VGA front-facing camera and 3G support via Tata Docomo Photon+ Dongle. In addition to their previous partners Everonn, Pearson and Vinti, they have now partnered with McGraw Hill for interactive study materials for students from class 1 to 12 that is available for purchase on micro SD cards separately. Continue reading “Micromax Funbook Pro officially launched for Rs. 9999”
Tag: Micromax Funbook Pro India
Micromax Funbook Pro 10.1-inch tablet running Android 4.0 now available for Rs. 9999
Micromax has introduced Funbook Pro, successor of the Funbook that launched in April. It is now available in India exclusively from online retailer Snapdeal. Other than the 10.1-inch (1024 x 600 pixels) display, most of the specs are similar including, 1.2 GHz Cortex A8 processor, 0.3MP VGA front facing camera and 3G via Tata Docomo Photon+ Dongle . The RAM has been upgraded to 1GB and it comes with 8GB internal memory with expandable micro SD slot and 5600 mAh battery. Continue reading “Micromax Funbook Pro 10.1-inch tablet running Android 4.0 now available for Rs. 9999”