Microsoft has launched the Surface Go 3 2-in-1 in India, after it was introduced in September. It has a 10.5-inch PixelSense 3:2 aspect touchscreen display with adjustable kickstand that enables the laptop to be used in multiple form factors. It has 10th Gen Intel Core processors, up to 8GB of RAM, support for the Surface Pen, and runs Windows 11 in Home in S mode. Continue reading “Microsoft Surface Go 3 with 10.5-inch FHD touch display, 10th Gen Intel processors launched in India starting at Rs. 42999”
Tag: Microsoft Surface Go 3
Microsoft Surface Go 3 with 10.5-inch FHD touchscreen display, up to 10th Gen Intel Core processors announced
Microsoft has announced their next generation Surface Go 3 laptop during their event yesterday. The 2-in-1 laptop has been upgraded with a faster 10th Gen Intel Core processor, up to 8GB of RAM, support for the Surface Pen, and runs Windows 11 in Home in S mode.