Microsoft has launched the Surface Laptop 4 in India after it was introduced last month. It comes in two sizes – 13.5-inch and 15-inch. Both these come with 11th Generation Intel Core processor up to Core i7 with Intel’s latest Iris Xe graphics and AMD Ryzen 7 4000 series with AMD Radeon Graphics, up to 16GB of LPDDR4x RAM, up to 512GB of SSD storage, tone-on-tone Alcantara and machined aluminum all-metal finish. Continue reading “Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 with 13.5″ / 15″ PixelSense display, 11th Gen Intel Core / AMD Ryzen 4000 series processors launched in India”
Tag: Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 price
Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 with 13.5″ / 15″ PixelSense display, 11th Gen Intel Core i5/i7 or AMD Ryzen 4000 series processor options announced
Microsoft just announced the Surface Laptop 4 in two sizes – 13.5-inch and 15-inch. Both these come with 11th Generation Intel Core processor up to Core i7 with Intel’s latest Iris Xe graphics and AMD Ryzen 7 4000 series with AMD Radeon Graphics, up to 16GB of LPDDR4x RAM, up to 512GB of SSD storage, tone-on-tone Alcantara and machined aluminum all-metal finish. Continue reading “Microsoft Surface Laptop 4 with 13.5″ / 15″ PixelSense display, 11th Gen Intel Core i5/i7 or AMD Ryzen 4000 series processor options announced”