Microsoft just announced its fifth generation Surface Pro 2-in-1 at its Shanghai event, as expected. It is just called the Surface Pro and has the same 12.3-inch (2160×1440 pixels) display with 267 PPI, 8-megapixel camera at the back and a 5-megapixel camera at the front, but this is powered by latest seventh-generation Kaby Lake processors. Continue reading “Microsoft introduces new Surface Pro with improved battery life, 4G LTE option”
Tag: Microsoft Surface Pro 2017
Microsoft Surface Pro 2017 images surface ahead of announcement on May 23
Microsoft recently scheduled a Surface related event in Shanghai on May 23rd where it is expected to unveil the long-awaited Surface Pro 4 successor. Now @evleaks has posted images of the device and also said that it will just be called the Surface Pro, and not the Surface Pro 5. Continue reading “Microsoft Surface Pro 2017 images surface ahead of announcement on May 23”