2007, a Blockbuster year for Mobile Phones

2007 was a blockbuster year for Mobile phones. Apprx. 1 billion mobile phones were sold in the year 2007. 2007 also saw some unique launches with Nokia launching their N Series devices followed by Apple launching the iPhone, which created ripples in the mobile phone industry. Continue reading “2007, a Blockbuster year for Mobile Phones”

Mobile phones Travel fast than Electricity

I know this is a rare (read: impossible) phenomenon, but this has happened in the Kajrai village, which is 80 km from Sagar in Madhya Pradesh.

In this remote village people have mobile phones (impressive) but they don’t have electricity to charge them. The villagers are so mush into mobile phones that they travel a whooping 20 kms just to charge them. 30 to 40 people have mobile phones in this village and they don’t mind traveling 20kms just to charge them. Continue reading “Mobile phones Travel fast than Electricity”