Motorola recently scheduled an event in India on May 17th, where it is expected to unveil the new Moto G (4th Gen) and the Moto G / G4 Plus smartphones. Few hours back Motorola India has tweeted to Amazon India – “We have been #MissingOut on a lot lately, isn’t it?” It also said it will be Amazon exclusive and will be revealed on May 17th. Continue reading “Moto G (4th Gen) and Moto G Plus to launch exclusively on Amazon in India on May 17”
Tag: Moto G 4th Gen
Moto G (4th Gen) and Moto G Plus detailed specs surface – Laser AF, Snapdragon 430, 3GB RAM
Motorola recently scheduled an event in India on May 17th, where it is expected to unveil the new Moto G (4th Gen) smartphone and the Moto G / G4 Plus. Even though some specifications of the smartphones were leaked already, new leak reveals that both the phones will have laser auto-focus and will be powered by Snapdragon 430 Octa-Core SoC.
Moto G4 / Moto G (4th Gen) surfaces in hands-on video
Few days after the leak of blurry images for Moto G4 Plus, the Moto G4 or Moto G (4th Gen) with a fingerprint sensor surfaced in live images earlier this week. Now the prototype of the Moto G (4th Gen) smartphone has surfaced in a hands-on video.
Continue reading “Moto G4 / Moto G (4th Gen) surfaces in hands-on video”