Update: motorola has confirmed the launch of moto g62 5G in India on August 11th. It has also confirmed that the phone will be powered by Snapdragon 695 SoC instead of Snapdragon 480+ in the global version. Continue reading “moto g62 5G with 6.5″ FHD+ 120Hz display, Snapdragon 695, 5000mAh battery launching in India on August 11”
Tag: moto g62 5G India
moto g62 5G with 6.5″ FHD+ 120Hz display, Snapdragon 480+ and moto g42 with 6.4″ FHD+ OLED display announced; Coming to India soon
After rumours, motorola has officially announced the moto g62 5G and moto g42 smartphones. The moto g62 has a 6.5-inch Full HD+ LCD screen with 120Hz refresh rate, is powered by Snapdragon 480+ SoC, and the g42 is a 4G phone with a 6.4″ FHD+ OLED display and Snapdragon 680 SoC.