After the launch of Moto G 5G last week, Motorola has launched the Moto G9 Power smartphone in India as it had promised. The phone packs a 6.8-inch HD+ Max Vision screen with a 16MP punch-hole camera, is powered by Snapdragon 662 Mobile Platform with 4GB of RAM, features a 64MP main camera along with 2MP depth and 2MP macro cameras. Continue reading “Moto G9 Power with 6.8-inch display, 64MP triple rear cameras, 6000mAh battery launched in India for Rs. 11999”
Tag: Moto G9 Power
Moto G9 Power with 6.8-inch display, 64MP triple rear cameras, 6000mAh battery launching in India on December 8
After the launch of Moto G 5G earlier this week, the company has now confirmed the launch of Moto G9 Power smartphone in India on December 8th, and the phone will be sold on Flipkart. The company says that the phone will launch at a never before price. To remind you, the Moto G9 Power packs a 6.8-inch HD+ Max Vision screen with a 16MP punch-hole camera, is powered by Snapdragon 662 Mobile Platform with 4GB of RAM, 64MP + 2MP depth + 2MP macro cameras. Continue reading “Moto G9 Power with 6.8-inch display, 64MP triple rear cameras, 6000mAh battery launching in India on December 8”
Moto G 5G with 6.7-inch FHD+ display, Snapdragon 750G, 5000mAh battery and Moto G9 Power with 6.8-inch display, 6000mAh battery announced
Motorola has announced Moto G 5G, a cheaper version of the Moto G 5G Plus and the Moto G9 Power with a huge 6000mAh battery. The Moto G 5G has a 6.7-inch FHD+ Max Vision display with a 16MP punch-hole camera, is powered by Snapdragon 750G 5G Mobile Platform with up to 6GB of RAM, packs a 48MP + 8MP UV + 2MP macro camera and packs a 5000mAh battery. Continue reading “Moto G 5G with 6.7-inch FHD+ display, Snapdragon 750G, 5000mAh battery and Moto G9 Power with 6.8-inch display, 6000mAh battery announced”