motorola launched the razr 50 smartphone as the successor to last year’s razr 40 in India today. This has an improved inner screen, bigger outer screen, IPX8 ratings, faster processor and more. Here we have the first impressions of the phone. Continue reading “motorola razr 50 Unboxing and First Impressions”
Tag: moto razr 50 launch date
moto razr 50 / razr 2024 series to be announced on June 25
motorola has started teasing the launch of its next razr series smartphones on June 25th. This should be the razr 50 and razr 50 ultra, successors to the razr 40 series. Like last year, these should launch in the US market as the razr and razr+ 2024. Continue reading “moto razr 50 / razr 2024 series to be announced on June 25”