Along with the X30 Pro, motorola has also introduced the moto S30 Pro smartphone in China. It has a 6.5-inch FHD+ OLED 53° curved screen with 144Hz refresh rate, is powered by Snapdragon 888+ SoC with up to 12GB of RAM, 11-layer VC cooling with area of 23831.89mm². Continue reading “moto S30 Pro with 6.55″ FHD+ 144Hz OLED curved display, Snapdragon 888+, up to 12GB RAM announced”
Tag: moto S30 Pro specs
moto S30 Pro with 6.55″ FHD+ OLED display, Snapdragon 888+, up to 12GB RAM gets certified
After the moto X30 Pro and moto razr 2022 got certified last week, ahead of the launch tomorrow, moto S30 Pro (XT2243-2) has now been certified by TENAA in China, and is expected to be introduced alongside the flagship phones. This comes after the moto edge S30 that was introduced in China in December last year. Continue reading “moto S30 Pro with 6.55″ FHD+ OLED display, Snapdragon 888+, up to 12GB RAM gets certified”