Motorola has launched its flagship Moto Z2 Force smartphone in India, as it had promised. It was introduced last year and packs a packs a 5.5-inch Quad HD AMOLED shatterproof display, and the company even offers warranty against shattering and cracking of display and embedded lens for 4 years. It has a 6.1 mm slim body made of 7,000 series aluminum. It is powered by Snapdragon 835 Mobile Platform, coupled with 6GB of RAM and runs Android 8.0 (Oreo) out of the box. Continue reading “Moto Z2 Force with Shatterproof display, Moto TurboPower Pack Mod launched in India for Rs. 34999”
Tag: Moto Z2 Force price
Moto Z2 Force with Shatterproof display, Moto TurboPower pack bundle launching in India on February 15
Motorola has sent out invites for the launch of Moto Z2 Force smartphone in India on February 15th. It will be launching the limited edition Moto Z2 Force that comes bundled with Moto TurboPower pack worth Rs. 5999. The battery Mod for the Moto Z series phones was originally launched in India back in December last year.
Moto Z2 Force with Shatterproof display, Snapdragon 835, dual rear cameras announced
Lenovo-owned Moto at its #hellomotoworld event in New York City announced the flagship Moto Z2 Force smartphone along with the 360 Camera Moto Mod, as expected. It has a 5.5-inch Quad HD AMOLED shatterproof display. It even offers warranty against shattering and cracking of display and embedded lens for 4 years. It has a 6.1 mm slim body made of 7,000 series aluminum. It is powered by Snapdragon 835 Mobile Platform and runs on Android 7.1.1 (Nougat). Continue reading “Moto Z2 Force with Shatterproof display, Snapdragon 835, dual rear cameras announced”