Lenovo-owned Motorola just launched the Moto Z2 Play, the company’s latest mid-range smartphone, as it had promised. It has a 5.5-inch 1080p Super AMOLED display, is powered by an Octa-Core Snapdragon 626 processor, runs on Android 7.1.1 (Nougat), has a 12-megapixel rear camera with Dual autofocus pixels plus laser autofocus that promises good low-light shots. It also has a 5-megapixel front-facing camera and has dual-tone LED flash for both front and rear cameras. Continue reading “Moto Z2 Play with 5.5-inch 1080p display, Snapdragon 626, Android 7.1 launched in India for Rs. 27999”
Tag: Moto Z2 Play price
Moto Z2 Play with 5.5-inch 1080p display, 5.99mm slim metal body, Android 7.1 and new Moto Mods announced
Motorola just announced the Moto Z2 Play, the company’s latest mid-range smartphone, as expected. It has a 5.5-inch 1080p Super AMOLED display, is powered by an Octa-Core Snapdragon 626 processor, runs on Android 7.1.1 (Nougat), has a 12-megapixel rear camera with Dual autofocus pixels plus laser autofocus that promises good low-light shots. It also has a 5-megapixel front-facing camera and has dual-tone LED flash for both front and rear cameras. Continue reading “Moto Z2 Play with 5.5-inch 1080p display, 5.99mm slim metal body, Android 7.1 and new Moto Mods announced”