motorola just launched the edge 40, the company’s latest smartphone in the edge series in India, as it had announced. It packs a 6.55-inch FHD+ pOLED curved screen with 144Hz refresh rate, is powered by Dimensity 8020 SoC with support for 14 5G bands, has 8GB of RAM, and 256GB storage. Continue reading “motorola edge 40 with 6.55″ 144Hz OLED display, Dimensity 8020, IP68 ratings launched in India for Rs. 29,999”
Tag: motorola edge 40 price
motorola edge 40 with 6.55″ 144Hz OLED display, Dimensity 8020, IP68 ratings announced
After rumours, motorola has officially announced the edge 40, the company’s latest smartphone in the edge series. It packs a 6.55-inch FHD+ pOLED curved screen with 144Hz refresh rate, is powered by Dimensity 8020, SoC with 8GB of RAM, and 256GB storage. Continue reading “motorola edge 40 with 6.55″ 144Hz OLED display, Dimensity 8020, IP68 ratings announced”