After teasers, motorola has confirmed the launch of edge 50 ultra, the company’s latest top-end smartphone in the edge 50 series, in the country on June 18th. The company has teased real wood finish, on-device AI magic canvas, AI-powered Pro-grade camera with up to 100x zoom and smart connect that lets you stream phone app with a swipe. Continue reading “motorola edge 50 ultra launching in India on June 18”
Tag: motorola edge 50 ultra India
motorola edge 50 ultra teased ahead of India launch
motorola India has posted the first teaser for the upcoming launch of edge 50 ultra, the company’s latest flagship smartphone. The phone was introduced back in April, but the company has only launched the edge 50 Pro and the edge 50 fusion in India in the past two months. Continue reading “motorola edge 50 ultra teased ahead of India launch”