Motorola has announced One Zoom, the company’s latest quad-camera smartphone at the IFA, after several rumors. It has a 6.4-inch FHD+ OLED screen, is powered by Snapdragon 675 with 4GB RAM, runs Android Pie and packs a quad camera set up and a 25-megapixel selfie camera with Quad Pixel technology for better images even in low-light and comes with Face Unlock.
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Motorola One Zoom with Quad rear cameras, Snapdragon 675, in-display fingerprint sensor surfaces [Update: More renders and Specs]
Update: August 13, 2019 — More renders Motorola One Zoom has surfaced in new Violet color. According to the new report, the Motorola One Zoom will have special Alexa integration, and this is not an Android One phone even though it has a ‘Motorola One’ branding. It is said to be powered by Snapdragon 675 SoC with 4GB RAM, 128GB (UFS) storage with microSD slot. It is said to be priced at €399 (US $447/ Rs. 31,990 approx.).