Motorola just launched its razr foldable phone in India as it had promised. It was introduced back in November last year, and comes with a 6.2-inch flexible OLED 21:9 CinemaVision screen that closes completely in half, thanks to hinge mechanism that allows the phone to close with both sides perfectly flush. The touchscreen Quick View external display lets you respond to notifications, take selfies, play your music, use Google Assistant, and more without having to flip open your phone. Continue reading “Motorola razr with 6.2-inch flexible OLED 21:9 CinemaVision display launched in India for Rs. 1,24,999”
Tag: Motorola RAZR price India
Motorola RAZR price drops to Rs. 29990
Motorola RAZR is now available in India for Rs. 29,990. The phone was launched in India last November for Rs. 33,990.It is just 7.1 mm thick and has KEVLAR fiber at the back. It features 4.3-inch (960 x 540 pixels) Super AMOLED hyper-vibrant display and it is powered by 1.2 GHz dual core processor and runs on Android Gingerbread 2.3.5. Continue reading “Motorola RAZR price drops to Rs. 29990”
Motorola RAZR launched in India at Rs. 33990
Motorola has officially launched the Motorola RAZR in India. The Motorola RAZR is the thinnest smartphone till date with 7.1 mm thickness, which is about 1.5mm slimmer than the previous slimmest smartphone the Samsung Galaxy S2. It it is made with KEVLAR fiber and features 4.3-inch (960 x 540 pixels) Super AMOLED hyper-vibrant display and it is powered by 1.2 GHz dual core processor. It runs on Android Gingerbread 2.3.5.The phone is already available on sale online retail stores. Continue reading “Motorola RAZR launched in India at Rs. 33990”
Motorola RAZR Price Revealed for India
Motorola RAZR gets a price tag in India. Online retailer Flipkart has listed the phone with a price but these is no exact launch date. The Motorola RAZR is the thinnest smartphone till date with 7.1 mm thickness, which is about 1.5mm slimmer than the previous slimmest smartphone the Samsung Galaxy S2. It it is made with KEVLAR fiber and features 4.3-inch (960 x 540 pixels) Super AMOLED hyper-vibrant display and it is powered by 1.2 GHz dual core processor. It runs on Android Gingerbread 2.3.5. Continue reading “Motorola RAZR Price Revealed for India”