Samsung teams up with Mozilla for a next generation browser engine called Servo

Hot on the heels of Google’s breakup with webkit, Samsung has announced that it will be partnering with Mozilla to come up with the core for its next generation browser. Mozilla and Samsung have now begun collaborating on an advanced web browser engine called Servo.

Mozilla Firefox 4 Continue reading “Samsung teams up with Mozilla for a next generation browser engine called Servo”

Firefox mobile will soon support ARMv6 handsets

Firefox is one of the major desktop browsers and it has been slowly trying to capture the mobile market too as most of the people are now using handheld device, but the main problem is that Firefox for mobile only supports ARMv7 handsets as of now, which means that it cannot be run on more than 50% percent of Android devices available in the market right now. But Mozilla has confirmed that they are working a update which will bring ARMv6 handset support to Firefox mobile.

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Mozilla B2G Announced : Web Centric Mobile OS

Mozilla today announced its plans to develop an open source mobile operating system. The OS will be focused primarily on web-apps. Dubbed B2G , the OS will make use of HTML5 capabilities to deliver basic phone functionality via various APIs.

Mozilla will be using parts from Android to enable hardware acceleration.  Continue reading “Mozilla B2G Announced : Web Centric Mobile OS”

Download Mozilla Firefox 4 Release Candidate for Android and Maemo

Mozilla had released FireFox 4 for PC, Mac and Linux last week. They have also announced a FireFox Mobile (Release Candidate) for Maemo and Android devices.

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Mozilla SeaBird concept phone is mind blowing

You may have seen a lot of mobile phone concepts, but the one you are going to see below will blow you away, seriously this is one of the best concepts ever made. The concept is made by the masterminds over at Mozilla Labs, and they are calling it Sea Bird. The Sea Bird is Continue reading “Mozilla SeaBird concept phone is mind blowing”

Fennec Alpha Now Available For Android And Nokia N900

Mozilla has finally released the alpha version of its mobile browser Fennec for Nokia N900 and Android (2.x) devices. Fennec comes with some interesting features such as Firefox Sync, Add-ons and the Awesome Bar.

Mozilla has finally released the alpha version of its mobile browser Fennec for Nokia N900 and Android (2.x) devices. Fennec is the codename of Mozilla’s mobile project. This browser is built on the new “Electrolysis” and “Layers” technology which concentrates on increasing speed and responsiveness. Fennec is designed and optimized for browsing on a mobile device and it comes with some interesting features such as Firefox Sync, Add-ons and the Awesome Bar.

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Fennec Pre-Alpha Version Now Available For Android

The pre-alpha version of Fennac was recently made available for Android devices. Currently it works only on Nexus One and Motorola Droid. Since this is the pre-alpha version, it may have lots of bugs, but it works almost perfectly on these devices.

The pre-alpha version of Fennac was recently made available for Android devices. Currently it works only on Nexus One and Motorola Droid. Since this is the pre-alpha version, it may have lots of bugs, but it works almost perfectly on these devices. This build requires Android 2.0 or above and an OpenGL ES 2.0 capable device.

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No other phone comes close to Nokia N900 in the Browsing department , Speed Test Video inside

The Nokia N900 may be seen as an internet tablet with phone capabilities. The N900 has got the best browser on a mobile phone and we are not kidding. We used the N900 alongside the iPhone ,  OmniaHD  , a Blackberry and an Android device and our conclusion was that No Other phone can come close to N900 in the Browsing Department. All websites load and appear the same way it does on a desktop  including banking sites and airline sites  which are the most problematic.The screen is very responsive and there is kinetic scrolling, zooming. Javascript including AJAX,Flash work pretty well

nokia-n900-browser Continue reading “No other phone comes close to Nokia N900 in the Browsing department , Speed Test Video inside”

iPhone Facebook Developer Quits!


Joe Hewitt, the brains behind the Facebook application for the Apple iPhone has quit further development of the application.

“Time for me to try something new. I’ve handed the Facebook iPhone app off to another engineer, and I’m onto a new project. My decision to stop iPhone development has had everything to do with Apple’s policies.” – Joe Hewitt Continue reading “iPhone Facebook Developer Quits!”