Telegram is gaining a new update which brings a host of new features including auto-playing smaller videos; smaller videos will start playing without sound. To unmute them, simply press the volume buttons on your device. Furthermore, it also gets new auto-download settings to control your data usage. Continue reading “Telegram 5.4 brings autoplaying videos, automatic download settings, multiple accounts for iOS and more”
Tag: multiple accounts
Telegram 4.7 brings themes, multiple accounts, quick replies and more
Telegram has rolled out a new update to its app which brings the version number 4.7. The new update brings several new features like the themes to change the look and feel of the U.I, multiple accounts with different phone numbers under one roof, quick replies in a chat. Continue reading “Telegram 4.7 brings themes, multiple accounts, quick replies and more”
Facebook is testing SMS integration for Messenger on Android, brings support for multiple accounts
Facebook is working on bringing back an old feature to its Messenger app. The social network is currently testing SMS integration on Messenger on a limited number of Android users.
Twitter for Windows 10 updated with group DMs, multiple accounts and more
Twitter has updated its Windows 10 app with a number of features. The app has finally received features which were already present on its mobile apps.
The Twitter app for Windows 10 now gets group messaging feature that allows users to direct message (DM) with more than one person and lets you add multiple contacts to a group chat. You can start a group chat with any of your followers, but those individuals don’t have to follow each other to participate in your chat. Next up, the app now supports multiple accounts which means you can add and quickly switch between multiple Twitter accounts right from within the app.
Users can now comment on other people’s Tweets with the Quote Tweet feature and view and subscribe to lists. The update brings a new Happening Now section which should keep you up on whatever’s trending at all times. Finally, Now unsent Tweets are saved into drafts folder that can be used later. Twitter had released the native Windows 10 app in July this year.
App Link – Twitter for Windows 10