FCC announces US net neutrality rules will end on June 11


The Federal Communications Commission announced that USA net neutrality rules will expire on June 11, meaning that new regulations on how consumers can access the internet will take effect will change. The FCC back in December 2017 annulled the open-internet rules set in 2015. Continue reading “FCC announces US net neutrality rules will end on June 11”

Facebook withdraws Free Basics, HTC One M10 launch details and more – FoneArena Daily

LG G5 Quick Cover case

Check out the new FoneArena Daily video that gives you a quick roundup of today’s technology news. Continue reading “Facebook withdraws Free Basics, HTC One M10 launch details and more – FoneArena Daily”

TRAI supports Net Neutrality, bans differential pricing

The Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) has ruled in favour of Net Neutrality putting an end to a long on-going debate. The authority has announced that “no service provider can offer or charge discriminatory tariffs for data services on the basis of content”. TRAI has ordered the same under ‘Prohibition of Discriminatory Tariffs for Data Services Regulation’.

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