T-Mobile Netherlands launches separate handset pricing plans


One of the ways that O2 stands out in the UK is through its O2 Refresh contract where the airtime and handsets are separated into two monthly charges and it seems that other European operators are following suit. T-Mobile Netherlands has announced a new “Stel Samen & Stel Bij” plan that offers separate handset and airtime contracts for customers. Continue reading “T-Mobile Netherlands launches separate handset pricing plans”

BlackBerry Playbook international launch next month

BlackBerry Playbook is RIM’s first ever tablet which is running on BlackBerry very own OS known as QNX. BlackBerry Playbook is a good looking tablet and has some interesting specifications. It’s currently available in USA and Canada, and we told you that it will be hitting India later this month and already available for pre-order. Continue reading “BlackBerry Playbook international launch next month”

Apple iPad hitting 9 more countries this Friday

If you live in Netherlands, Austria, Belgium, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mexico, New Zealand or Singapore, and you are waiting anxiously for the Apple iPad to hit your country, then your wait is about get over, because today Apple officially announced that the Apple iPad is on it’s way to the 9 countries mentioned above. Continue reading “Apple iPad hitting 9 more countries this Friday”

An Anti-iPhone Legislation In The Netherlands?

Up until now, the non-removable battery of the iPhone was just an issue that some some people pointed out as a serious problem and Apple just ignored. But it is likely to become much more significant now, due to a new legislation in the Netherlands. According to Tweakers.net (dutch text), this new law forbids selling any electronic device with a non-removable or hard to remove battery, due to recycling difficulties. Also, any electronic device should have clearly stated in its manual a way to remove the battery. T-Mobile, Netherlands’ iPhone carrier, should still be able to sell its stock of iPhone handsets, but imports of new devices will be forbidden.

Continue reading “An Anti-iPhone Legislation In The Netherlands?”