Google announced the Nexus 9 tablet made by HTC last month, and it is expected to launch in India soon, starting at Rs. 28,990. We brought you the photo galley and the unboxing of the tablet recently. Here we have the benchmarks of the tablet. The Nexus 9 has is powered by a 64-bit NVIDIA Tegra K1 processor with two Denver CPUs clocked at 2.5GHz per core, rather than the traditional 4+1 Cortex A15 setup. The Kepler GPU has single SMX/GPC design, which amounts to 192 CUDA cores. Even though it has the same Kepler graphics architecture found in its latest generation of PC GPUs such as NVIDIA GeForce Titan, this consumes less than 2W of power. The Nexus 9 has 2GB of RAM and 8.9″ (2048×1536 pixels) IPS display. Check out the synthetic benchmark scores below.