If you are waiting for Mobile Number Portability or MNP in India there is some bad news from the Union Minister of State for Communications & Information Technology, Shri Gurudas Kamat. MNP will not be available by the March 31st deadline . It was already delayed from December last year due to some operators crying foul . Now the Government is stating that all mobile networks in the country are not likely to be completely ready to offer MNP by this month end and the deadline is not likely to be met
We are sure that many operators fear loosing tons of customers once MNP is implemented. The Mobile Number has become part of our daily lives . It is much more than a number to us – it’s like an identity for many of us. And MNP which was like dream come true . It was going to offer us a chance to retain that identity and move to another operator without fear of loosing touch with your loved ones or key business contacts. Now we have to just keep waiting indefinitely for the dream to become a reality !