Nokia announced the 208, affordable feature phone along with the 207 back in July, now the phone is available in India from online retailer Snapdeal. It has a 2.4-inch (240 x 320 pixels) 65k color display with a physical T-9 keypad 3.5G and has 3G connectivity. It runs on Nokia Series 40 OS and comes pre-loaded with Facebook and Twitter and WhatsApp. It is 12.8mm thick and weighs 90.6 grams. Continue reading “Nokia 208 Dual SIM phone now available in India for Rs. 5299”
Tag: Nokia 208 Dual SIM
Nokia 207, 208 and 208 Dual SIM affordable 3G phones announced
Nokia has announced 207, 208 and 208 Dual SIM affordable 3G phones. All these phones have a 2.4-inch (240 x 320 pixels) 65k color display and comes with a physical T-9 keypad. All these phone have 3.5G with video streaming (YouTube) capabilities and runs on Nokia Series 40 OS. These phones come preloaded with Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp (Initially available only for 208 Single SIM).
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