HMD Global introduced the Nokia 8.3 5G, the company’s first mid-range 5G smartphone back in March. Today the company announced the global roll out of the smartphone after about six months. To remind you, the phone comes in Polar Night colour, and is priced at 599 Euros (US$ 701 / Rs. 51,595 approx.) for the 6GB RAM with 64GB storage version and the 8GB RAM with 128GB storage version costs 649 Euros (US$ 760 / Rs. 55,900 approx.). Additionally, all Nokia 8.3 5G owners will receive a free 6-month trial of Google One with additional 100GB of online storage. Continue reading “Nokia 8.3 5G with 6.81-inch FHD+ PureDisplay, Snapdragon 765G global roll out begins”