HMD Global has launched the Nokia C12, the company’s latest budget Android Go Edition smartphone, after it was introduced back in January. It packs a 6.3-inch HD+ screen, is powered by Unisoc 9863A1 SoC, has 2 GB of RAM plus 2GB of additional memory extension and runs Android 12 Go Edition with a promise of two years of quarterly security updates. Continue reading “Nokia C12 with 6.3″ HD+ display launched at an introductory price of Rs. 5999”
Tag: Nokia C12
Nokia C12 with 6.3″ HD+ display, Android 12 (Go edition) announced
HMD Global has announced Nokia C12, the company’s latest budget Android Go Edition smartphone, as the successor to the C10 which was introduced back in 2021. Continue reading “Nokia C12 with 6.3″ HD+ display, Android 12 (Go edition) announced”