HMD Global has launched Nokia G10, the company’s latest smartphone in the new G series in India after launching the G20 smartphone in the country back in July. It has a 6.5-inch HD+ v-notch screen, is powered by MediaTek Helio G25 SoC with 4GB of RAM, runs Android 11 with two years of software upgrades and three years of security updates, comes with a 13MP + 2 MP Macro + 2 MP Depth cameras, 8MP camera on the front. Continue reading “Nokia G10 with 6.5-inch display, triple rear cameras, 5050mAh battery launched in India for Rs. 12149”
Tag: Nokia G10
Nokia G20 with 6.5-inch display, 48MP quad rear cameras, 5050mAh battery and G10 announced
HMD Global today introduced Nokia G10 and G20 smartphones in the new G series. These come with a 6.5-inch HD+ v-notch screen, are powered by MediaTek Helio G25/G35 with up to 4GB of RAM, and run Android 11 with two years of software upgrades and three years of security updates. The G10 has a 13MP +2 MP Macro + 2 MP Depth rear cameras while the G20 comes with a 48MP + 5MP UW + 2 MP Macro + 2 MP Depth cameras. Both these feature an 8MP camera on the front. Continue reading “Nokia G20 with 6.5-inch display, 48MP quad rear cameras, 5050mAh battery and G10 announced”
Nokia X20 with Snapdragon 480 5G, 6GB RAM surfaces in benchmarks
HMD Global recently scheduled an event on April 8th to unveil new smartphones. Now the Nokia X20, a new phone in the X series has surfaced in Geekbench listing. This reveals that the phone will be powered by Snapdragon 480 5G SoC, so the company could bring out affordable 5G smartphones after a lot of budget 4G phones. Continue reading “Nokia X20 with Snapdragon 480 5G, 6GB RAM surfaces in benchmarks”